Last year, the Lord called me to the mission field. It was a calling I had heard long before, and finally He opened the doors so I could go. Today I can say with all confidence that you can make no better decision than respond to the calling that God has for you. I had the opportunity to study one year at the School of Ministry at Calvary Chapel Boca del Rio, Sinaloa. During that year, the Lord put in my heart with a fire, a burden, an anguish, and much compassion for street children. In prayer, God spoke to me, telling me that this was the heart and the love that He has for orphans. One of my prayers has always been that He would place His heart in my heart and that He would teach me to love as He loves. And this was the beginning of my calling.
How has He confirmed it to me? One of the verses that touched my heart most as I read the Word of God was Acts 20:24 – “But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.” I remember that night, after I read this verse, I heard the voice of God asking me, “Are you ready to leave all, follow my voice, and go where I call you?” With my eyes full of tears and my heart totally willing to do the will of my Father, I said yes. I realized that we are here to do His will, not to follow our “dreams.” I realized that if I am still in the world, it must be to complete a specific purpose, and that purpose is to testify of the gospel of the grace of God to those who don’t know it.
I know that the calling to open an orphanage is not an easy one. I know that it is a full-time, life-long ministry. I know that there will be struggles and trials and children who will not know to show appreciation. But I also know that this is my calling, and I will fulfill it for my Lord Jesus who has loved me, who has set His gaze on me, who has set me apart from this world to be part of His kingdom, who has given me a purpose, a reason, and a motivation to live. My desire is to do the will of my Father, and I want to serve Him until my life’s last breath. The desire of God is that His church would wake up from its conformity, get out of its comfort zone, and start to get to know His heart: a heart full of compassion, mercy, and commiseration for the needy.
Over 1.8 million children live on the streets in Mexico. These children have been abandoned and forgotten by society; children who suffer abuse and mistreatment, children who are used for prostitution and pornography, children who drug and intoxicate themselves in order to forget the pain they must face day after day, children who are victims of the evil of humanity. The conditions are devastating, and it seems there is no hope.
In our times, the lack of interest in the welfare of others demonstrates an absence of compassion in many hearts. Where can these children find hope? Is there anything that I as an individual can do to help them? Is there anything in my hands to change the course of their lives? What must we do to care for these destitute children? What can we do to let these children know that there exists a God who loves them and demonstrated His love by offering His life for their eternal freedom? How can we demonstrate to them the love of a faithful Father, a Father full of goodness, mercy, and compassion? What can be done to bring the truth to these children? How can we introduce Jesus Christ into their lives?
We know that there is hope in Jesus. He is the One who offers protection and help to the disadvantaged. It is our desire, our longing, our need, and our responsibility to bring this hope to these children. Jesus is the Father to the fatherless, and by means of His grace, His love, His mercy, His goodness and compassion, we can be used to bring the truth and hope to their lives and thereby give a second chance to these children who are in much need.
The Scriptures clearly emphasize the responsibility of the church in caring for orphans and widows. And who is the church? We are the church, the body of Christ, and we are called to walk as He did, not hardening our hearts but rather demonstrating the love of our Father toward those in most need. We believe that this is an important time in which God wants to demonstrate His heart as a Father and is calling His church like never before to have His Spirit of adoption.
Our principal objective is to help children who are victims of maltreatment and abandonment to find a Christian family. Our goal is that every child might grow up in a family with values based on the Word of God, in a healthy atmosphere, and an environment that is stable and full of love.
We are excited to see what God will do in the lives of these little ones. We serve an Almighty God, and we know that for Him, nothing is impossible. We also know that He wants to liberate these children and pour out His perfect and infinite love over them. He knows the need and has a plan to reach each child. By following the calling He has placed on my heart to open this orphanage, we are being obedient to the mandate He has given us.
We would like to invite you to become a part of this work. How? Primarily through prayer, and if God puts it on your heart, through donations, financial help, and even volunteering if you are available to be part of the orphanage’s team.
If you sense in your heart the call of God to help these children, please don’t hesitate to email at
Thank you very much for your support. God bless you!