CC Compuertas

Calvary Chapel Compuertas

CC-CompuertasIn 2000, the Boca del Rio School of Ministry got a call from a small church in Compuertas, an agricultural village in the suburbs of Los Mochis. The church was looking for someone to cover for their pastor while he took a trip to the States to get married. We sent over one of our students, Israel, for his summer practicum.

The pastor never came back.

Israel was young, single, and unprepared. At the time, we were working with limited resources and couldn’t afford to support him. Israel was more or less abandoned in Compuertas with no financial support, no visits, and no continued training. By the strength of the Spirit, he walked out his pastoral calling for 11 years. His dedication, faithfulness, and love honored God.

In spite of limited communication with Boca del Rio, the church in Compuertas grew independently from Boca del Rio for years. Difficult situations forced a transition to new leadership in Compuertas, ushering in a painful time both for the church in Compuertas and the supporting team in Boca del Rio.

The team in Boca del Rio began the long and laborious task of restoring unity and stability to the Compuertas church. In turn, the brothers and sisters of Compuertas refreshed the Boca team with their faithfulness, love, and hospitality. Participating in the life of this vibrant, growing church has been a special grace and great joy.